Alcohol: 49.0%
95,00 CHF
Cucharilla is a distillate from the Desert Spoon plants (Dasylirion lucidum rose), which is not commonly found in Oaxacan communities. Dasyrilion is native to arid environments of northern Mexico, and southwest of the United States. Unlike the agave plant, the sotol plant can be harvested without killing the plant, allowing it to regenerate for multiple harvest.
This unique expression of Cucharilla is produced using traditional methods in La Nopalera, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca by 56 years old Maestro (master distiller) Emiliano Santos. He cooks Dasylirion plants in an outdoor conical oven fired by wood and rocks. After cooking, the Dasylirion plants are milled by hand with wooden mallets and axes. Fermentation occurs with wild yeast in sabino vats. 1 distillation with condenser (refrescadera) that is a a common method of distillation in Miahuatlán region. The end result, a cord (hearth) of the spirit. 90 litres produced in 2023.