Alcohol: 47.9%
89,00 CHF
This 90 litres batch was made by Master distiller Edgardo Mota from la Mixteca baja, Oaxaca. Edgardo is 60 years old, and second generation of mezcal producers. He learned the art of making mezcal from his relatives and only work with agaves from his land located about 1500 - 1550 meters above sea level. The 2 agave species in his land are Espadin and Papalomé, the second one being his favourite one to drink. The Papalomé is an agave that takes between 12 to 18 years to mature. This small batch was cooked in the old fashioned way of conical earthen oven, crushed by hand using a wooden hammer, fermented in pine wood vat using wild yeast and double distilled in copper still pot. The lima is a special kind of lime fruit from Oaxaca, Mexico, described best as a cross between a lime and orange. The fruit was added on the second distillation and really shines through.